Complexity Economics Articles 2017-05-25T18:48:24+00:00

Complexity Economics Articles

Complexity EconomicsPapers

Rethinking Value Theory

Value theory lies at the heart of economics. Behind every production process, every exchange of goods, every purchase, every choice agents make, is the concept of value - value is the essence of...

ArticlesComplexity Economics

Intrinsic Value

Value theory within economics represents all theories that try to define what economic value is, where it comes from, why goods and services are priced the way they are and how to calculate some...

ArticlesComplexity Economics

Incentive Systems

The study of incentives is one of the central topics in microeconomics - incentives to work hard, to produce quality products, to study, to invest, to save, etc. How to design institutions that...

ArticlesComplexity Economics

Economic Networks

Over the past few decades with the rise of information technology and globalization, the global economy has become networked on many different levels. Both its technological infrastructure and...

ArticlesComplexity Economics

Complexity Economics

Complexity economics is an alternative paradigm within economic science based upon complexity theory and nonlinear models. Within this theoretical framework the economy is modeled as an open...

ArticlesComplexity Economics

Behavioral Economics

Behavioral economics is an approach to microeconomics that uses experiments to determine how agents make choices within an economic context, it studies the effects of psychological, social,...

ArticlesComplexity Economics

Path Dependency

The concept of Path Dependence is used to capture the way in which small, historical contingent events can set off self-reinforcing mechanisms and processes that “lock-in” particular pathways of...