For Students 2018-02-07T07:10:36+00:00

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The area of complex systems can look overwhelming and intimidating when one is first presented with all of its new concepts, models, and methods. Students and researchers often struggle to make sense of this zoo of ideas and can become over focused on specific areas without seeing how they interrelate. So where should you start? If you are new to the subject we recommend starting with systems thinking. Behind all areas of complex systems are a few core concepts derived from systems theory, if you understand these this will make it much easier for you to tackle the more advanced concepts and understand how it all fits together. These basic ideas include: Holism & synthesis, emergence & synergies, relationalism & networks, feedback dynamics & evolution. By taking our “Introduction to Systems Thinking” or “Systems Theory” course this will give you a solid grounding in the basic ideas. We would then recommend the “Introduction to Complexity Theory” course this will give you an overview to complexity. After this, the “Nonlinear Systems” course is another good introductions and then maybe “Complex Adaptive Systems” and “Network Theory.” By that stage, you should have a solid grasp of the basics. We also have a supplementary course on “Critical Thinking” and many articles on the subject. Although not a part of the area of complex systems, we believe critical thinking is the foundations to any form of constructive science and it will help you be a better general thinker.
