Linear Systems Theory


In this video we will discuss linear systems theory which is based upon the superposition principles of additivity and homogeneity, we will explore both of these principal separately to get a clear

Nonlinear System


A nonlinear system is a type of system that defies the superposition principles of homogeneity and additivity. Feedback loops between components within nonlinear systems and over time give rise to synergies or interference that make the output to the system less or more than the sum of its parts and thus nonadditive

Nonlinear Systems Videos


Watch our introductory videos that give quick and accessible overviews to the key concepts of nonlinear systems

Systems Overview


In this module we give an overview to the model of a system that will form the foundations for our discussion on nonlinear systems, we will quickly present the basic concepts from systems theory such as elements, system's boundary, environment etc.

Nonlinear Systems Course


This course is designed as an intuitive and non-mathematical introduction to nonlinear systems, it explores a world of both extraordinary chaos where some small event like a butterfly flapping its wings can be amplified into a tornado, but also a world of extraordinary order in the form of fractals, self-similar structures that repeat themselves at various scales, one of nature

Nonlinear Systems Articles


Read our selection of reference articles to dig deeper into topics and find sources

Fractals In Pictures


Fractals are a curved or geometric figure, each part of which has similar characteristics as the whole. Fractals are useful in modeling structures, like coastlines or snowflakes, in which similar patterns recur at progressively smaller scales.

Nonlinear Systems Book


Nonlinear Systems Overview This book is a voyage into the extraordinary world of nonlinear systems and their dynamics. The primary focus of the book is to provide you with a coherent understanding of the origins and product of nonlinearity and chaos. The book is designed as an [...]

Nonlinear System


[wd_asp id=26] Nonlinear System By flying in a synchronized state birds reduce the air friction on the whole flock and thus make the system more productive at flying than the sum of its parts in isolation A nonlinear system is a type of system that defies the superposition principles of homogeneity and additivity. [...]