Systems Ecology Map


From non-equilibrium thermodynamics to industrial ecology see how it all fits together with our mind map for systems ecology

Systems Ecology Course


This course looks at the application of systems theory to ecology giving us new insight into Earth's complex biophysical processes

Systems Ecology Book


This book is an introduction to the area of systems ecology, the application of systems theory to the study of ecosystems. Systems ecology uses mathematical modeling and computation to try and understand the networks of interactions between biotic and abiotic elements that give rise to the complex system of an ecology on all scales, from modeling the flow of energy within a microbial ecosystem to trying to understand the nonlinear dynamics of earth’s entire biosphere. Taking an integrative and interdisciplinary approach it bridges many areas from physics and biology to the social sciences. Whereas traditional ecology has studied ecosystems with little reference to human society,

Systems Ecology Articles


A selection of articles on systems theory and ecology covering topics such as thermodynamics, ecosystem networks, and the Anthropocene

Systems Ecology


Systems Ecology Systems ecology tries to understand the processes and structures that define the working of ecosystems of all kind, from microbial to global Systems ecology can be understood as the application of systems theory to the study of ecology, as it studies the interaction between organisms and their abiotic environment through systems [...]



An ecosystem can be defined as a physical system composed of a set of biotic and abiotic elements that are interdependent in affecting each other and the overall state of the system

Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics


Thermodynamics, in its generalized sense, is the theory and study of how energy transforms matter within all physical systems, from the formation of stars to photosynthesis to the running of a car

Ecological Synergies


The term synergy comes from the word meaning "working together" as it describes two or more things that interact to create a combined effect that is greater or less than each effect in isolation.

Ecological Self-Organization


Self-organization is a process in which patterns at the global level of a system emerge solely from numerous interactions among the lower-level components of the system.

Ecosystem Dynamics


Ecosystem dynamics is the study of how ecosystems change over time.