Home/Feedback Loop

A feedback loop can be defined as a channel or pathway formed by an ‘effect’ returning to its ’cause,’ and generating either more or less of the same effect. An example of this might be a dialogue between two people, what one person says now will effect what the other person will say and that will in turn feedback as the input to what the first person will say in the future. Feedback loops are divided into two qualitatively different types, what are called positive and negative feedback. A negative feedback loop represents a relationship of constraint and balance between two or more variables, when one variable in the system changes in a positive direction the other changes in the opposite, negative direction, with this, then feeding back to affect the first, thus always working to maintain the original overall combined value to the system.  A positive feedback loop in contrast, is a self-reinforcing process, where more begets more, the increase in the values associated with one element in the relation effect the other to also increase in value, with this then, feeding back to increase the value of the first, thus both elements either grow or decay together, typically in an exponential fashion.
