Emergence Theory Book


This book is designed around four main sections, after giving an overview of emergence theory we go on to talk about patterns of correlation in general before looking at synergistic interactions that are the foundations to emergence.

Critical Thinking Book


This book is broken down into four main sections, where we will look at the major themes of cognition, logic, reasoning and argumentation. The first section looks at human cognition to understand the basic biological and evolutionary constraints placed on us when it comes to effective reasoning. Here we will talk about how the brain works, look at some of the central insights from cognitive science and talk about some of the many limitations and flaws prevalent within human cognition.

System Theory Book


This book is an introduction to the key concepts within systems theory. Systems theory has been defined as an approach that attempts to balance holistic and analytical reasoning. In systems theory, it is argued that the only way to

Systems Thinking Book


This book is an overview of the area of systems thinking and theory that is designed to be accessible to a broad group of people. The book is focused on two primary achievements; firstly providing you with the key concepts that will enable y

Adaptive Systems Book


Complex adaptive systems are all around us from financial markets, to ecosystems, to the human immune system and even civilization itself. They consist of many agents that are acting and reacting to each other’s behavior, out of this often chaotic set of interactions emerges global patterns of organization in a dynamic world of constant change and evolution where nothing

Network Theory Book


This is an introductory book where we present the topics surrounding network theory in a non-mathematical and intuitive form that should not require any specific prior knowledge of science as the book is designed to be accessible to anyone with an interest in the subject. During the book, we will explore all the major topics in this area.

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